Michael Baugh. Composer


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Be a positive force and make the industry a more collaborative community

Last year, I witnessed a talented filmmaker in a Composer Facebook group seeking a composer for her short spy comedy film on low budget. She wanted a score reminiscent of Cowboy Bebop and Ocean’s 11.

Instead of support, she received an incredible amount of abuse and insults. Shockingly, this negativity came from fellow composers! Many of them weren’t professionals, but rather individuals aspiring to break into the industry. Feeling compelled, I reached out to her to apologise for their horrendous behaviour and offered to score her film. Despite the limited budget, which was all spent on musicians, I gained valuable reel material from the project that has since led to more opportunities and work for me. Let’s strive to uplift and support one another in our journeys through this crazy world. Be a positive force and make the industry a more collaborative community.